2018/2019 Season
Poster Designed by William Dao
Rocky Horror Picture Show 2018
Picture this: Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein but instead of a terrifying commentary on mankind’s monstrosity and the dangers of the pursuit of knowledge, it’s just a bad movie. Now add on aliens, sex, Meatloaf’s weird strut, an incoherent plot line, Tim Curry’s suggestive eyebrows, a neckless narrator, and Little Nell’s unnecessary nip-slips. Oh, and it’s also a musical. No wonder it’s a cult classic. Susan Sarandon’s Oscar-winning career began with this movie and yours can too. Come watch your friends struggle to adapt aggressive jump cuts to the stage!
Directed by Emily Powers.
All proceeds went towards the Rainbow Railroad in support LGBTQ people around the planet escape state sponsored violence in their home countries.
B-Side: A Rock Cabaret
In a world dominated by iTunes and Spotify, where listening to music has become more and more passive, records are active and deliberate. You chose to listen to a record and you chose to flip it over. You put your music experience into the capable hands of artists who decide what song you start with, finish with, and every song in between.
That is where B Side: A Rock Cabaret comes from.
Today, the same small group of classic rock songs get played and remembered, but there are so many equally amazing others that deserve more recognition. With this concert, we are bringing back those bad ass bangers! We want you to fall in love with these songs, whether or not you knew them before. We want you to have a kick ass time revelling in music with our incredible performers and band. We have created an unforgettable music experience and we want you there!
Created by Jocelyn Kraynyk
With Shannon Dunbar and Michael Henley
Singing the music of Joan Jett, Bon Jovi, Heart, The Rolling Stones, Foreigner, Journey and MORE!!

Honeymoon: An Art Spree
On June 21, 2019, the UC Follies presented Honeymoon! An Art Spree.
Honeymoon is a theatrical art gallery! A one night only performance, visual art and video extravaganza! Honeymoon is an exhibition that ponders the feeling of sweet, sweet pure pleasure juxtaposed by the recognition that good things don’t last forever. Honeymoon’s upmost intention is to celebrate and showcase hard working artists and their outstanding creativity.
Visual Art and Zines by:
Victoria Butler, Noga Cadan, Clea Christakos-Gee, Kenneth Collins, Allana Cooper, Abby Esteireiro, Leyla Godfrey, Kris Lodu, Melissa Lodu, Natalie Mizzen, Ananna Rafa, Isaac Roberts, The Dodder Collective, Claire Varty, Ariana Volpe, Lily Wang, Nikki Watson, Seiji Williams, Kristen Zimmer
Video Art by:
Erum Khan, Charlotte Lam and Claire Stradwick, Jenn Law Smith, Melissa Lodu
Theatre by:
Jasmine Cabanilla, Dante Camarda, Enzo Campa, Kenneth Collins, William Dao, Aloisia D'souza, Brad Gira, Jacob Kay, Eiléanór O'Halloran, Frosina Pejcinovska, Margaret Rose, Tuhi Sen
Music by:
Emily Rose & Dumb Stupid Liars
Poster Design: @kingbee_illustrations
Les Frères
N. B. Play performed in English.
Les Frères is a play inspired by Lorainne Hansberry's Les Blancs and tells the story of three estranged brothers of Haitian descent, who come home to Harlem for their father's final days. Troubled memories filled with anger and abuse come rushing back as they deal with their father's death. They are forced to deal with how each choose to deal with memories, how each have escaped, feelings of abandonment, betrayal and loss. Finally, the end asks two of the brothers if they will escape back into the lives they have forged for themselves or will they try to make new life amongst the embers of pain.
Written by Sandra A. Daley-Sharif
Directed by Abigail Whitney
At the 2019 Univesity of Toronto festival, the UC Follies presented Lauren Lacey’s Cordelia: a Story Half Written.
Directed by Nicole Bell, the production took home the IATSE Award for Technical Achievement.

From March 21-23, the UC Follies presented Madhuri Shekar’s Queen!.
Directed by Jasmine Cabanilla.
Sanam - Tuhi Sen
Ariel - Meghan Aguirre
Hayes - Eamon Kelly
Arvind - Vedant Sharma
Director - Jasmine Cabanilla
Stage Manager - Sophie Lewycky
Dramaturges - Sukarmina Singh Shankar & Sai Lian Macikunas
Set Designer - Abby Palmer
Lighting Designer - Lauren Lacey
Projection Designer - Nicole Eun-Ju Bell
Sound Designer - Alison Starkey
Props Master - Alexandra Baldwin
Assistant Stage Manager - Sai Lian Macikunas
Sanam Shah, a mathematician, and Ariel Spiegel, a biologist, are PhD candidates and best friends working together to discover the cause of colony collapse disorder – the urgent, ecological crisis where bees are disappearing around the world in alarming numbers. Just as they are about to publish a career-defining new paper on the subject, calling for a ban on commercial pesticides, Sanam realizes that the numbers don’t add up to support their conclusion. Should she look the other way for the sake of environmental action, or should she stand by her scientific principles, even if it means ceding ground to an ecological disaster, jeopardizing her career, and losing her best friend?
St. Laughtrick’s Day
This St. Laughtrick’s Day, come on out for an evening of comedy brought to you by four student comedy groups from the University of Toronto! The Bob, The UC Follies, UTSC Improv, and U of T Improv join forces for a post-midterm show where we can all pretend we’re crying from laughter.
Buddies in Bad Times Cabaret March 17th, to see these outstandingly funny people tell jokes!
U of T Improv
The Bob
The Follies Sketch Troupe
UTSC Improv
Tickets will be available at the door for $12
Doors open at 6.30pm, show starts at 7pm
The exact programme will be announced later, but the show will be about 2 hours long with a 15 minute intermission, and Buddies in Bad Times has a bar, if you want to buy alcohol or other drinks! (This is an all-ages event, though, don't you worry)